Monitor Nudge Campaigns

Difference between Nudge History and Notification Logs

Nudge History

The nudge history is different from the notification logs. Nudge history is the batch runs the user executes at one time. The nudge can be the recurring or real-time nudges posted for billing in the Nudge history section. After each nudge history posting, an API call is made to the Billing Engine for billing, deducting the Current balance, and updating the usage history. While on the other hand, the notification log will only keep track of all the nudges you have sent to the customers. 

The system will track the count of nudges that you have been sent during the two-hour interval in nudge history as shown below:

1.0 Nudge History

Notification Logs

The notification logs provide a record of all nudges sent across all channels. In the Notification Log, for example, the following presents an overview of the email run. The top six emails out of 31 are shown in the following image and were all sent at the same time using a submission that would be combined into a run, such as run#1, as seen below.

For example, the following batch of emails sent together will constitute the next run #2, and so on.

Each run, after completion, or every two hours (in the case of real-time nudges), will need to be invoiced according to the product's pricing.

The system will combine run#1 against the one Run ID in the nudge history with a count of 31 and run#2 against the next Run ID with the next count of 1, as shown in the above 1.0 images.

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