Generate API key

Generating a new API key support

The Nudge platform provides the facility to customers to integrate their Nudge account into their websites and software systems to send nudges. It will facilitate you to send real-time and recurring nudges via Email, SMS, and WhatsApp. The users need to generate the API from the “Configuration” section of the top menu of the website. Where you can access the “API management” as shown below. 

1.0- API Configuration

Where you can see the list of all previous APIs and also can create a new API to get a new key.

To generate a new API Key, follow the following steps:

Step-01: The user needs to click on the “Create new API Key” in the top left corner as shown below:

1.1- Create New API Key

Step-02: The user needs to enter API Key Name only and then click on the “Generate” button as shown below:

1.2- API Key Generated

The input field API Key Name is required, and you must enter characters in it. You will view the System-Generated API key when you click on the “Generate” button. It will only appear once in the system; you must save the API key by copying it through the “Copy” button. 

Step-03: The user needs to click on the “Done” button after successfully copying API Key in the Clipboard. The system will save the API key details and add them to the already-created API list as shown below:

1.3- API Key List
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